Welcome to CURA Caring Homes.

As the facility’s Executive Director, I am honored to be a part of the exceptional care and services.

Our mission is based on the philosophy that we are here to provide a home and an extended family to those we serve.

Once we open our doors to you and your family you will all enjoy the facility’s extensive quality of furnishings and up to date equipment for each resident room; resident bath and shower rooms, lobby area, resident day rooms and dining rooms, sports and leisure and our rehabilitation centre. We aim to maintain progressive ways to accommodate and care for the residents we serve.

We are passionate about helping our client’s age gracefully. To us, this means helping our clients to live as independently and as healthy as possible. We do this by completing a thorough assessment, developing a customised activity plan and providing professional in-home care. Our services lift the burden off the family’s shoulders so they can have peace of mind that their loved one is being cared for.

All our residents will be able to participate in an array of activities, from walking in our beautiful gardens to making pottery, painting, planting, sewing, or simply enjoy the many social events we plan for them.

We value each of our clients and their needs. Their families will be closely involved to ensure that everyone feels safe and respected.

None of this would be possible without the compassionate staff, we are currently recruiting.

 It is my privilege to lead this extraordinary community. Do call us or visit us.


We look forward to meeting you.


S. M. Aldamoni

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Καλώς ήρθατε στο CURA Caring Homes.

Καλώς ήρθατε στο CURA Caring Homes. Ως Διοικητικός Διευθυντής των εγκαταστάσεων, είναι τιμή μου να είμαι μέρος αυτής της εξαιρετικής φροντίδας και των υπηρεσιών. Η αποστολή μας βασίζεται στη φιλοσοφία

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